To start a career journey as a chauffeur in the UK has a lot more requirements than you would imagine. One of the biggest requirements is having a clean driving and criminal record. This is very useful in creating trust in the passengers and the employers. It is a guarantee that they can trust you to be a safe driver and a trustworthy individual. Let’s walk through the steps required to get a chauffeur licence in the UK.

Understand And Meet the Requirements

This is an important step to take when applying for a chauffeur licence. This process has basic requirements and it is necessary to understand them and most importantly meet them. The primary requirement is holding a standard driving licence which permits you to drive a car. In terms of meeting the requirements, you must meet the specific age for obtaining a licence. This is typically 21 years old.

Undergo Professional Training

Professional training is the key to excelling in the world of chauffeur services. Before applying for the chauffeur licence, aspiring chauffeurs are expected to go through training at a recognised chauffeur training site. In this training, the chauffeurs learn skills like defensive driving, customer service, and adapting to various scenarios on duty. With that, skills are enhanced and credibility is added to the licence application.

Medical Examination

This is a necessary requirement because your healthy status as a chauffeur matters when you are driving or when dealing with customers. A medical examination will help the chauffeur know the conditions of their body when getting into the business if they are healthy enough to do it and if they are meeting the standards set by the licensing authority. The examination may involve eyesight tests and general health assessment.

Apply for a Private Hire Vehicle (PHV) Licence

In the UK, chauffeurs usually operate under a private hire vehicle (PHV) licence. To get this licence, you’ll need to apply to the local licensing authority. The application process involves submitting various documents, including proof of identity, proof of address, and details of your driving licence. Additionally, you may be required to provide evidence of completing the professional training mentioned earlier.

Pass the Practical Driving Test

Besides having a standard driving licence, you also need to take a separate practical driving test specific to chauffeur services. This test assesses your ability to handle the vehicle safely, navigate traffic, and provide a comfortable and secure experience for passengers. Successfully passing this test is a significant milestone in the journey towards obtaining your chauffeur licence.

The Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check

It is common knowledge that there is a need to be responsible for the safety of passengers as a chauffeur. This responsibility is validated by a thorough background check through the Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). In this background check, your criminal record, if any, is examined to determine how suitable you are for a chauffeur licence. Having a clean record is essential for a successful application.


Becoming a licensed chauffeur in the UK involves a combination of skills, qualifications, and adherence to regulatory requirements. From professional training to medical examinations, background checks, and practical driving tests, each step plays a crucial role in ensuring that chauffeurs meet the high standards expected in the industry.

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